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For now, there is only one way to go ya'know", says Joakim, mastermind and founding father of the congregation known as Dynamo 77. "The ride up is a euphoric, magical mystery tour filled with reverb soaked guitar chords, screaming teenage girls, dragons and goblins, smelly backstage dressing rooms and bitter sound engineers with bad PA-systems just aching to break. You gotta love it though", Joakim says. "From the top it's a long fall down, not seldomly into the abyss known as "Has-been Trench". However, there's no need for these young boys to think about the long fall from the stars, since they have their "Hamburg years" ahead of them. Soon they will be off to conquer Germany. Their debut album was re-released as a free download, in order to promote and expose the band to the German market. "Open minded people, those Germans", Joakim says. "Genuinely interested in good music. Sweden is a lot more concerned about what is cool and what's not. Sometimes it feels like whether the songs are good or not matters less. The Swedish musical climate is controlled by a handful of people really, one radio channel, and a few hot shot critics with their heads so far up their own butts that they can't see what's good or not. Well, perhaps I'm just bitter", Joakim says, laughs and leans back in the armchair in the hotel lobby, sipping his cognac.
Dynamo 77 started out as a bedroom solo project for Joakim, but rapidly took the form of a band when friends joined in for live shows. Now a year later, a five piece tours the nation, with ambitions of reaching the standard for live shows set by Springsteen & the E street band back in 1975. "Those are some mighty big shoes to fill, but hey, ya'gotta have ambitions right?", Joakim says smiling. "Besides, with the band I have behind me on stage, damn it, it feels like we could conquer the world".
Maybe Joakim isn't that way off base. Having seen Dynamo 77 perform at an open air festival in their hometown, it's not hard to see where from the boys get their influences and inspiration for their live shows. Naturally they're not there yet, at the level of Springsteen & the E street band that is, but there is an ambition to give their audience all they have, at every show. Maybe Springsteen was "rock ‘n roll future" in the early seventies, and still continues to be the best of the best, but when time comes to pass the torch, I've seen a band who are more than willing to carry it in the future. Just ask all the young fans in front of the stage at that show. After their show I saw Joakim mingling in the crowd, talking to young fans (with the band's cds under one arm), having his picture taken with them, writing autographs. "It's probably even more fun for me than for them ya'know. You notice them from the stage, you get a connection, a sort of understanding. It almost feels like you owe it to them and to yourself to talk to them after the show, to show your appreciation for them paying interest in you. The live shows are always a two way street, besides the music, there is a silent communication going on all the time."
So what's next for these young lads? Well if you ask me, this band is on an ascent to the stars. Beautiful songwriting, delicate lyrics and a high energy live performance, the future holds the promise of great things for Dynamo 77. "Well ya never know", Joakim says, "if rock ‘n roll is what will pay my bills in the future, I can't complain. It is the only thing I'm good at. If this doesn't work out, if we end up in "Has-been Trench", then I guess I could always fry burgers or something", Joakim laughs as he picks up his leather jacket, shakes my hand and walks out in the warm summer night.
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